hmm...Salam maulidur rasul..Selawat dan salam atas junjungan kita, Nabi Muhammad S.A.W..continue with my story, last thursday, went 2 take the test..gabra giler nih, yer la, me and test are not too frenly, senang citer, xske la amik test :D~~hahaha, n speaking of my experience doing logical thinking exam mase last 3 years, it was so damn hard...beria nih, siap nk g amik test..pdhal, tempatnyer dekat jekk pun, kat Glenmarie, but xkesah la..pegi awal lg bagus kan :)..i arrive an hour early kat tmpt amik test...tgk semua org lg hebat..huhu..makin cuak...later on, mase nk amik exam, they gv choice nk amik in malay or english paper..try 2 take in malay paper..yer la, dh biase jwb exam semua in, kengkonon, nk test power in malay la..*poyo jekk*duration taking the exam, 12 min for 50 question...i wuz, oookay...sangant kena pantas menjawab...haha..then seeing the question, oh my, mix up, math and logic answer and also, synonym and antonym..which i memang fail...mmg spjg dok jawab soalan bahasa, dok was2 jekk..betul ke mksud perkataan nih..betul ke ape yg aku buat~~~but, past is past now, tnggu la,if qualified, going to next round, interview session...berserah jekk la..if ader rezeki, ader la*harap2 ader..hehehe, xsalahkan letakkan harapan sikit:D*..still waiting....hmmm..biler oh biler...
ok, then balik from the test, g la giant jap...beli brg2 for menu petang nanti...on the way back, some dude,without giving signal,hit my SLK~~=(....geram giler...ive given the signal, dari awal lagi..xkn la xnmpk...then nak argue, mane ader org bagi signal nk terus kat bulatan, belajar kete kat uganda ke xpyh bg signal kat bulatan????xpasal2 SLK aku yg kna..gen2 that dude, sekadar, calar kat bumper, n rosak rim tayar..gatal tekan minyak napenyer kat bulatan...koyak2~~~=(
kete still xmasuk workshop..tnggu org insuran nk tgk dulu, then bru masuk workshop..biler oh biler~~~huhu..oh ya, coz of that incident, my plan to go to langkawi, xjadi..huhuhu~~sedey2~~

My SLK~~~=(
oh ya, thn nih, rase mcm byk pencapaian kat blog nih..hahaha...byk dh update thn lepas xdak langsung~~hahaha..harap2 berkekalan la usaha ini :D..mood minggu nih, biler oh biler...byk benda yang xcapai lagi..huhuhu..harap2 ader berita gembira di bulan februari...