hmm...last weekend, nothing much to do..ive transform into a super duper pirate master~~haha, not sumthing that can be proud of~~hakhakhak...not a good thing to start a week..xdela marah geram dgn budak2 tuition...except for zubir:p..there's always except for zubir..haha..yg membuat me geram sgt, especially farah, the trying to help her, coz of her condition is not the same as muaz n, kalo dier sendri xnak amik inisiatif tolong diri sendiri, what shud i do???keje xsiap..if tegur, she start doing her faces, which really annoy me..boleh pulak kate, me give her keje banyak!!!WTH!!!!kalo adik aku, dah kena lempang laju2 dh...spoil brat betul dema dua org 2..tegur xboleh..bis 2, nk biar jee??depan mak bapak diorang, baik ya amat...

but great news, my application for the graduate program dh diterima..juz tngu untuk amik test this thursday..huhuhu...takut!!!!coz, as far as i know, me having prob kalo de test2 nih~~huhuhuhu..moga allah membantu hambanya....pray for be continue...
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