its mac already!!!ive been live for 26year and 3days~~~hehehehe..this year, xde celebration sangat...thanx to all yang wish..awin n mama for the treat n kak su + zaim for the macaroon :)..being 26, buat kita makin berfikir tentang masa depan...im not that perfect..byk lopong2 yg perlu ditampal balik...moga Allah mengampuni dosa2 hambaMu ini....Lately, banyak tekanan dari segi emosi dan persekitaran...dh masuk mac, tapi, xdapat lagi job..sedih..walaupun akal mengatakan rezeki semua, Allah yang beri...memang betul..tapi biaselah..emosi cuba menguasai diri...moga2 cepat la mendapat kerja...back 2 my birthday..wah, nk cerita lagi pasal birthday dier~~hahaha...eventho, thn nih xde org nk celebrate sangat..the best part, i got back my SLK, alhamdulillah..n a day before my birthday..jumpe teman lame...agak lame jugak melepak bersama...seronok..coz biasala...memori lame kan :)..n he's one of guys yg sy kenal ader hot smoking eyes..ngeh3~~mase skolah xperasan la pulak kan..ntah la..sangat suka tengok lelaki yg bermata macam 2..astagfirullah al azim...kikiki...tah la..when it comes to guys, i dun have the nerve to show my feeling towards them..maybe i cherish frenship more than my feeling kot...oh ya, im not trying to be a bad girl..but eventually, i notice that a good fren of mine, who used to hang out with me, dulu2 before he got a gf..im guessing, he got prob with his gf..i guess..major prob..i used to have crush on him back then, he's a great guy but..coz ive known him too well, i dun have the nerve to make a move, n i feel that he'd be better with other gurl..ya la, kalo dh slalu bersama lebih dari 8jam sehari...mostly everyday...mane xknl dier kan..nway, moga2 ape yg difikirkan 2 xbetul....my aim..nk jugak buat rambut giring!!hahaha..senget!

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