Sunday, February 23

its 2014 Part 2

A week after Bandung, had a romantic gateway to Bali..yes, Bali :)
 on board~~Sab with her bff yg xnmpk muka~~hahahahaha
 our room..kewl :D
 1st stop~~~

 Kintamani~~~dingin banget~~~
 menahan kesejukan 
 i lourvee their choc and tea :) Sab finish all the coffee
 Depan bilik hotel
 Nice~~eventho nmpk scary bila amik gambar
 Shopping :)
 Ayam tulang lembut~~~
 Eat. Pray. Love kengkonon :D
 Sab redha sluar basah..
 Lets go to the beach
 Sebelum kecak dance
 Noicee viewww

 Lets chase the dolphin :)
 Morning in Lovina

Bali, lots of Pura there. and ya, rolling pig~~ekekeke..n they are really to Bandung, Bali, bit expensive. This maybe because it is tourist attraction, majority foreigner lourvee to come here. Of course de la cuci2 mata sikit kan..kuikuikui :D. but to come back to Bali, maybe xdah kot...sebab dah g..cukup lah sekali ye dok..hihihi..sorry mr hubby to be...

its 2014 Part 1

Assalamualaikum~~been a while since i post here...been izzybizzy lately...its 2014 already and its February baybeh~~~ :). always excited with February. what happen after the last post?hmm, well, been travel here and there, busy with PIAH and few stuff. that's life, sometimes u'll be at top, sometimes, at the bottom. just follow the flow in the same time, try to adapt with it. My new year was blast. celebrate my new year at Bandung, Indonesia. Went there with my good friend and her sister. to cut short, despite of cleanliness, i'm so in love with Indonesia. Well, Malaysia is still the best in certain things, but Indonesia have kept me coming back :) Let the picture show how i enjoy my trip.
 on board~~ heyhoo captain :D
 Things that i like to do on flight :)
 Welcome to Bandung :)
 Our room
 at pamos (as said by Pak Dudi..ekekeke) having teh botol while waiting semin and junie pilih kain
 da best~~~~
 org bandung hebat~~xyah guna besi2 or buluh..pakai batang pokok je
 rindu kg halaman :)
 menjemur padi huma
 us sebelum sampai kawah putih~~tunggu Sambas beli tiket
 Welcome to Kawah Putih

 Emerald Green water mesmerize us

 Mode ala2 My Heart~~hehehehe

 Spiderman..spiderman :D
 At Belacan~~some taented youngsters

 PAris Van JAva
 Before balik

 At Elizabeth

Rumah Mode welcome you~~~