Still not too late 2 wish congratulation 2 my mentees..ecul, emma, shikin,amir aiman and wani :)..kekalkan for this sem ok..eventho lately de yg dh mula buat perangaikan..rase nak belasah je korunk semua..ish..
the amiruls's
tb2 ecul nyelit :)
add on emma and wani
fise dean list award :)
aiman n raden yg nakal
prefect with librian~~hahaha...going 2 miss amir :'(
Amir will no longer continue at MSU as he got better offer from KMM~~~gonna miss u amir..pasni xdela org nak tolong belikan choc from langkawi....naik pangkat sket after this MA..hehehe..good luck and all the best amirul izwan :)
past 2 weeks nih asyik makan je..mak chaq, as usual every ramadhan buat kenduri kesyukuran celebrating another ramadhan and birthday kak yati and nana :)
creme brulee~~syiokk
anak yatim yang datang
pembungkus lauk yang vogue~~haha
eventho xde air dat day, anak2 yatim yang datang only 1 van, but alhamdulillah, everything goes smooth :). Tapi mmg hari makan2 kat umah kak ta..the food..mabeloss~~hehehe
de apam polkadot, kuih muih..the karipap was mine..smpai 2 pagi tue wat karipap :)
That week dah gain weight dh..minggu depannyer plk, one more round...before puasa..our last family bbq..hehe
de mashed potato..spagetti mamma mia..laksa..teh tarik walla...
owhh..burned chicken wing~~hahaha cheese cake
Birthday gal..k lin and nana
Adam loooveeee the cake :D
Cheeky adam...haha
xde yang lebih indah and seronok dgn spending the quality time with family...mak chaq pun seronok...cume xbest bila dgq mak chaq nak balik kg dh next year..huhu..
Earlier, before bbq we have MSU's 11 th convocation where this tim im in procession team..which mean booooreeeed~~~duduk, n tepuk tangan je la...
Cik Nunu @Puan Nurul yg baik hati menolong kitaorg in wearing our robe :D
K Lis and Zai help by Shahrun
Grad once again~~haha
Permaisuri Agung
An interesting choir..haha..dramatic giler the male singer~~kuikuikui
Baju kurung sangat lawa
Beberapa event yang berlansung past week~~~fyi, posting nih dah create 2minggu dah..baru nk upload..hahaha..thats y the title kosong~~hehehe
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