as the day move on, nothing much i can say bout so proud with u guys..even though i bg that task last minutes, but u guys manage to do the event!!kudos to all!u guys manage to bring the 4 speaker without my help..mmg terbaik korunk!!

mmg terbaik :)..with one of our speaker - theMALAYA
Dalam dok bz and emosi bercampur baur, kesihatan pun terganggu...sneezing and sore throat la plk..mmg complete process nk sehat our doc yg tgh on holiday wanna weekend escape n i do need outside air out from shah alam n MSU especially wend for it!haha..2 org perempuan gila~~bak kata abg polis~~gila la ko ton..mcm g kl je ko buat..dah la g tyme aku balik banting..hahaha..unplanned vacation la abg polis..tidak boleh pau ko kan..hahaha...xpn join ko wat operasi mlm2 minggu~~hahaha!
Weekend escape or more i call lari dari rumah~~hahaha..we went to kuala terengganu. At first i tot doc nk g PD coz if she's on leave slalu dier akan ajak ke PD je..tup2, tempat luar alam.haha..supposely wedding rider follow but unexpected plan semua org de hal..end up, doc and me.So gerak petang sabtu after i finish up few things kat MSU then shoot 2 selayang ke umah mak doc.We depart at 4 n the road trip was fun as i dh lama xjumpa doc.lotsa talking in the car plus membincangkan hal amin. oh ya, one of our brother a.k.a classmate tb2 call me.lame dh kot amin xcall sudenly call bgtau dier dh de gf..comei la amin nih..:) n tnyer pendapat kitaorg as he is planning 2 engaged with his gf xlama lagi..dier takut salah pilih as they only know each other 3 month and thru fb.As amin's sgt bz tgh laut, dier agak cuak disebabkan few thngs yg xdpt dinyatakan disini. So, along the journey, we SOS mama to discuss but mama is like mama as her roomate dh tau dh...haha..mama xamik port sgt msj2..shud have call instead. n ive asked doc 2 call mama je rather than texting SOS. but our doc degil..she said, mama mesti bacanya sbb SOS. after 30 mins, doc start, asal mama xreply or call back nih? i LOL jek la and replied dh ckp kan..mama mmg ignore fon la..u shud have juz call..doc sungguh positif..xpe2, nnt mama mesti call.haha! sampai kat kuala terengganu, around 1030pm pun mama xtelefon2..:p n we then realize that we did not manage our accommodation haha..mmg sengal! 2 perempuan gila nih barula kelam kabut mensearch our accommodation..haha..habis smua hotel, motel ditelefon..bape kali pusing kat KT n lastly since we juz need place to sleep je, Sri Terengganu je our last chance. not sure y, byk hotel fully booked. check in and zzzzz
Esoknya, start our jalan2 mode. There's nothing much 2 see in KT as ive gone there few times for my project n lari rumah haha!So we went 2 tamadun islam which i havent explore mase my last trip 2 terengganu which is last masa awal tahun hari 2. Round the world in few hours. The management should take care of the place as few place x dicat and mcm xdijaga. from masjid negara till masjid kat china semua kitaorang pegi :) Agak terbakar jugak la that day :). after the world journey and Kristal mosque visit, we went for losong 2 buy keropok lekor! sgt byk keropok yg ada. antara sedap n tak je...We depart from Kuala Terengganu to KL at 4pm. Tb2 doc cakap nk tgk penyu. So, we stop at rantau abang but its already late, so we juz went to play tepi pantai at rantau abang. Its already 6 by the time we start back our journey back 2 KL as i have to work kan on monday. From rantau abang, doc said she want to drive and me ok je as she is the owner of the car. being a co-pilot, sng je, sleep!hahaha..smpaila kat cherating she start to ask me direction.ive given the correct direction to LPT then sambung tido la..suddenly rasa xsedap hati n tengok kiri kanan hutan banat with only few cars and there is no lights. i was like, b, kita kat mn nih?asal gelap sangat nih~~she start 2, faris, aku xtau kat mana nih..aku ikut signboard ke KL je tgk2 dah smpai cni..dh la aku tgk KL 227 batu lagi..asal jauh jalan yg aku lalu..alahai cik doc nih..comei la plk kan..blh la plk dier masuk jalan dalam...siap jumpa jalan masuk lepar hilir..ish3~~wat to do, xkan nk patah balik..yerus jek la smpai jumpe highway. Then nmpakla highway near to kuantan exit..ingt dier nk masuk, dier boleh terus lagi which we still use jalan lama..aiyakk..cik doc nih..lawak betul..dier dh cuak2 dh sbb xjumpa2 highway where kalo dier pndg sblh kanan dier, nmpk je, layan kan je doc n terus xjadi nk tido takut dier terlepas simpang of the best runaway trip la :)
DOc bersama roti telur double~~ekeke..trying 2 ask the cook to add double egg end up having 2 roti canai telur:p
Entrance taman tamadun
Masjid Negara
Doc infront taj this photo
kincir air
baitulmaqdis entrance
Baitul Maqdis
Doc searching for her oldtown kopitiam:p
al hambra
doc sengal..redang la sgt :p
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