Assalamualaikum~~been a while ive post in this blog. I think my last post was about my trip to Singapore...that was last 2 months i assume...been bz with life lately and emotionally unstable i with studio things, my project, prelim info on my soon wish, hopefully everything will sail smooth, insya allah...My PIAH project, till now, covered 3 buildings already, alhamdulillah...but still in process meeting up with people which there are time make my blood go upstairs~~haha...but seriously, dealing with some agency was like ****...last week was disaster~~even though it is not my building that i should be covered, but since my colleague is a foreigner, i think, dealing with local authority wont harm me..but, goshhhh...i think DBKL was my worst experiance kot. They don't have standard SOP that their staff can explain to outsider which i think, they should have one. Spend whole day at DBKL.From Raja Laut to Kg Baru, then they ask to go back to Raja Laut then back to Kg Baru???what??which at last, my objective didn't achieve...and those who answer the phone, OMG, please learn how to speak with outsider properly. and don't assume people from education line is student je..when they assume as a student, wahhh, all the politeness gone...they start to act like we're like ****..hello, please laa...u represent DBKL kot...everyday got different drama...2nd day, they keep bouncing me within the same dept with different no.satu keje plk main call2 semua no yang diberi.again, jawab pun nak xnak...sakit hati punya pasal, balik umah n tido..senang cerita~~~malas nak pk.3rd drama, kali ni, xde dah nak call2, lantak diorang nak cakap ape...dah korunk xnk layan dalam phone even though korunk yg suh tpon..bila pergi, pegawai yang bertugas xnk jmpe dengan alasan, i tgh sibuk nak siapkan keje sbb i nak cuti the whole week...wt****, hello, meet up with me won't be the whole day kot..why i want to meet you pun you xtau, u trus ditch me..wt*****...memang baran the drama will continue lagi...but seriously mmg caci maki, carut marut saje minggu lepas...n last week also de alicia ticket for me...hoping to go to her concert to release xde~~sedey TT.....last weekend was the treatment..back to ma cool maself down...well, kebetulan sbnrnyer...last week was my studiomate big day~~~but cudnt make it as my cuzz punye wed on the same day~~congratzz yana n ziq~~jelly seeing saie and sab dapat join...n to my cuzz, natrah n harris..congratzz :)
Counting days with gfs woohoooo~~~~and i'm still considering my feb trip coz still solo lagi..hoping de org yang nak join...anyone??? :D
naff said~~lappy dh kehabisan bateri...till then
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