assalamualaikum~~~ :)..the best weekend so far..:)..tq 2 all my cuz for the bday celebration~~~really enjoy the food and cake eventho suddenly not feeling well..:(..sakit itu penghapus dosa :)..morning went to IB 2 buy CUCI last kopek~~~tq awin and mama for the present :)going there this monday :)~~yeay!!eventho ive download 1st season, since its the last season, mesti lah kena tgk kan...:)..i dunno why i enjoy watching theater..maybe its live and their performance lebih jujur.After bought the ticket,rush back 2 shah alam to pick up kuih for the celebration since kak su will be late and then straight to kelana jaya to pick up my cuz pulak.after sesi pick up mengpick up, otw to semenyih strat la tanda2 nk selsema n demam.maybe bcoz of the weather lately yg xmenentu yg buat my body cepat usul, kalo dh pegi umah kat semenyih, lotsa food on the table!!!:D..from kuih smpailah ke dessert ader :)..mak chak masak pasembor while kak su beli koci and seri muka.k lin wanna make her tomyam and cake from SR.nk buat surprise xblh dh coz i already see the cake n since my bday hari bekerja, they cant celebrate it :D There is nothing to complain when spending time with family :)

mcm yg dah cakap kat blog lepas, nih la kek k lis yg comel 2 :)~~nice aint it :)

my cake..this week too much cake in my system...hehehe...nih lps pasang api balik..hahaha..hilarious sgt tyme nih :D

happy birthday 2 me again :)

sugar-paste cake yg my cuz belajar..sape nk tempah, lai lai, lai :D
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