hallo march~~its already in the third month..cepat sungguh mase berlalu...officially, 27tahun 4 hari~~hahaha...tq untuk all wishes and cake plus teater invitation :)..nothing much happen on that day (28th feb)..juz flooded all wishes in fb and text.didnt get to eat cake until after office hour, patutnyer celeb with housemate, but semua de last minit nyer hal, so, change plan, pick up amir and faisul yg kebetulan ngah print assignment at sec 2, mkn secret recepi :).tq amirul izwan and faisul :).
next day, my mentees and few colleague plan my bday celeb kat MSU's gallery.the best part, b4 the event, one of my mentees have text me telling me that they couldnt come to celebrate with me~~hahaha,kantoi suda :p.anyway,im happy to celebrate with my mentees and colleague :)

my cake :)..yg tukang potong kek ni afyq who ate quarter of the cake..haha..he is the boss~~haha..

:) with zai,k lyd, mazni and cik nurul :)
trying not to make my whole week stress with workload n its work..maybe because the student nak exam, lecture dh xde eventho teh setara audit preparation is still going on. friday was fun!yeay!after thumbprint, kuar breakfast, then lesap~~hahahha..went to sungai tekala..check tempat for our family day!hoho~~~sempat jugak la basah2 kan kaki..kuikuikui

welcome to tekala :)

berjimba mamba..kuikuikui :D
balik 2 office after zuhur prayer, kluar balik~~haha..g collect cake yg sangat comel!!!next entry im goin 2 upload it~~enjoy giler hari jumaat~~hahahha..naff said :)