~napie and ain, congrtazz~
sedey rr ko lupe name aku, napie..hahaha..teh tarik aku jgn lupe yerr..before u fly back 2 Adelaide.ko dh chubby napi compare mase kat skola dulu..haha..but u still mcm dulu!n ya, tnggu la aku wat reunion..korunk ske tau dera2 aku wat event management..insya allah, this year, i'll try to make sure our reunion menjadi!

TQ ob~~hehehe..im so greatful to have u guys as my gf!Tp, 1st time kot aku dok melepak kat kenduri member lame giler~~hahaha..smpai kenduri dlm pkul 1 tengahari, tunggu pulak member, tambah sesat, fon xbawak, nasib baik lah, ob berjaya sampai jugak kenduri napie..hahaha siap bersoal jawab teka teki dgn awin and zul~~n sempat jugak la jumpe yam n hubby~~hehehe..3jam tnggu ob~~hehehe...after kenduri napi, straight went to semenyih...mak chaq wat bbq~~hehehe..makan2 lagi..lame dah mak chaq xbuat makan2.n happy birthday danish!hehehe..
~danish n abg safri~
home sweet home around 2 after sending kak lin kat wangsa maju.so today, xde g mne2 pun..just rehat2 n tgk notes2 untuk kelas~~but i feel like something is not right..tapi xtau ape dier..huhu...
p/s:amy jum...
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