Sunday, January 29
can somebody help me???huhuhu T_T...start to think back all over again....frustrated..sangat2 dikala ini...cakap la i cengeng watsoever, seriously, im depress!!2 whom i cud talk bout this??:(
Saturday, January 28
2 minggu yang sunyi~~~
owh..uhukuhukuhuk...agak berhabuk sedikit yerr..2minggu without posting anything...btw, 2day bday abg saya..happy birthday acai..moga dianjangkan umur n dimurahkan rezeki...
Sunday, January 15
owhh..weekend ke??
hahaha..macam best plk title post kali nih..its been 2 weeks in row kena kerja mase weekend~~~last week, MSU's 10 convo..sabtu rehearsal and ahad the big day~~ xaci kak siti n adilah dpat jadi, kena uruskan ibu2 bapak2~~huhu...merah mak ngah on that day~~~

~shida,mazni,seha n me*seriously, after nih, xpakai dh baju nih..asyik kena bahan jekk ngan kak lyd*
on the same day, ive been told, abg polis nyer idea direject..pity him..beb, kalo de jodoh, xkemana..sedih aku dgr cter ko...i was thinking she accept ur proposal..since xde kabar berita week ko konvo..yet, still proud of u!n keep on praying beb..eventho u n her xdpt placement same, tapi, jauh dimata, dekat di hati..:)..baik2 g ganu beb...xsempat plk la nk jumpe ko b4 ko g..proud of u, INSP. SHARUM.i believe makcik pun bangga ngan ko!n sorry xdapat nk meraikan graduation ko..what 2 do, kena keje kan..huhuhuhu...hope 2 see u soon, kat ganu :)
Its been a bz week n internet yg sangat hampeh~~~n minggu nih pun kena keje..invigilate exam..huhuhu..mmg xrehat la weekend nih...menyampah!oh ya, last friday MSG's buat potluck..ramai org datang..from ISC,ENT...seb baik hairy smpat rasa puding yg dier tempah kat mek na :).I brought nasi briyani with dalca, cik sue bwk ayam masak merah n kek carrot yg best xterkata,kak lis bawak bihun sup, cik nunu and intan bawak spaghetti, adilah wth her cuppycakes~~yummy n ader mcm2 lagi~~~alhamdulillah, nasi sedap..takut jugak terkurang since masak untuk portion besar kan...

~nasi yg semakin nk habis:)~

~dalca sama macam arwah mak com buat~

~part of the guest yg attend :)
~sultanah nk bagi scroll kat student~
~shida,mazni,seha n me*seriously, after nih, xpakai dh baju nih..asyik kena bahan jekk ngan kak lyd*
on the same day, ive been told, abg polis nyer idea direject..pity him..beb, kalo de jodoh, xkemana..sedih aku dgr cter ko...i was thinking she accept ur proposal..since xde kabar berita week ko konvo..yet, still proud of u!n keep on praying beb..eventho u n her xdpt placement same, tapi, jauh dimata, dekat di hati..:)..baik2 g ganu beb...xsempat plk la nk jumpe ko b4 ko g..proud of u, INSP. SHARUM.i believe makcik pun bangga ngan ko!n sorry xdapat nk meraikan graduation ko..what 2 do, kena keje kan..huhuhuhu...hope 2 see u soon, kat ganu :)
Its been a bz week n internet yg sangat hampeh~~~n minggu nih pun kena keje..invigilate exam..huhuhu..mmg xrehat la weekend nih...menyampah!oh ya, last friday MSG's buat potluck..ramai org datang..from ISC,ENT...seb baik hairy smpat rasa puding yg dier tempah kat mek na :).I brought nasi briyani with dalca, cik sue bwk ayam masak merah n kek carrot yg best xterkata,kak lis bawak bihun sup, cik nunu and intan bawak spaghetti, adilah wth her cuppycakes~~yummy n ader mcm2 lagi~~~alhamdulillah, nasi sedap..takut jugak terkurang since masak untuk portion besar kan...
~nasi yg semakin nk habis:)~
~dalca sama macam arwah mak com buat~
~part of the guest yg attend :)
Saturday, January 7
aiman xkesah~~haha
biler xdapat benda yang dicari...
last nite, went out with awin, trying to search for new shoe but, there is no design that attract me.sbb kecewa sangat, went 2 stabak hoping that a cuppa choc chip with whip cream +red velvet awin would make me happy..happy ke??

our kek yg xsedap with choc chip yummy

while drinking,we played tower up!

our tower halfway of the game~~

our kek yg xsedap with choc chip yummy
while drinking,we played tower up!
our tower halfway of the game~~
our tower before collapsed
mengintai dari tirai kamar :p
smiling la sangat~~
dumm~~suddenly, right after take the last pic, the block semua collapsed~~sign for us to leave stabak kot :p~~kuikuikui
Wednesday, January 4
need new shoe!
MI4, best woo~~

juz got back from watching Ethan hunt with my mentees~~~eventho amir tidor,hahaha~~overall, i enjoy the movie.naff said.apis n amir, tq la teman miss tgk cter movie, underworld :D~~hehehe
lately, ive been tense with things around my health condition yang xberapa sehat...yet, someone is brave enaff to annoyed me. TQ laa for saying that ure my friend in the same time u stab me.u know me well. am i too good 2 people or am i too naive with people around me?wateverla so called my bff...u said it..not me..
Monday, January 2
Sunday, January 1
happy new year!
2012~~hoping for the best this year!insya allah...well, mlm new year, xdela wat ape pun ...went to napie's wedding~~tahniah napie..eventho ko lupe name aku!cis..classmate sendri boleh lupe name aku!

~napie and ain, congrtazz~
sedey rr ko lupe name aku, napie..hahaha..teh tarik aku jgn lupe yerr..before u fly back 2 Adelaide.ko dh chubby napi compare mase kat skola dulu..haha..but u still mcm dulu!n ya, tnggu la aku wat reunion..korunk ske tau dera2 aku wat event management..insya allah, this year, i'll try to make sure our reunion menjadi!

TQ so greatful to have u guys as my gf!Tp, 1st time kot aku dok melepak kat kenduri member lame giler~~hahaha..smpai kenduri dlm pkul 1 tengahari, tunggu pulak member, tambah sesat, fon xbawak, nasib baik lah, ob berjaya sampai jugak kenduri napie..hahaha siap bersoal jawab teka teki dgn awin and zul~~n sempat jugak la jumpe yam n hubby~~hehehe..3jam tnggu ob~~hehehe...after kenduri napi, straight went to semenyih...mak chaq wat bbq~~hehehe..makan2 lagi..lame dah mak chaq xbuat makan2.n happy birthday danish!hehehe..

~danish n abg safri~
home sweet home around 2 after sending kak lin kat wangsa today, xde g mne2 pun..just rehat2 n tgk notes2 untuk kelas~~but i feel like something is not right..tapi xtau ape dier..huhu...
p/s:amy jum...


~napie and ain, congrtazz~
sedey rr ko lupe name aku, napie..hahaha..teh tarik aku jgn lupe yerr..before u fly back 2 Adelaide.ko dh chubby napi compare mase kat skola dulu..haha..but u still mcm dulu!n ya, tnggu la aku wat reunion..korunk ske tau dera2 aku wat event management..insya allah, this year, i'll try to make sure our reunion menjadi!

TQ so greatful to have u guys as my gf!Tp, 1st time kot aku dok melepak kat kenduri member lame giler~~hahaha..smpai kenduri dlm pkul 1 tengahari, tunggu pulak member, tambah sesat, fon xbawak, nasib baik lah, ob berjaya sampai jugak kenduri napie..hahaha siap bersoal jawab teka teki dgn awin and zul~~n sempat jugak la jumpe yam n hubby~~hehehe..3jam tnggu ob~~hehehe...after kenduri napi, straight went to semenyih...mak chaq wat bbq~~hehehe..makan2 lagi..lame dah mak chaq xbuat makan2.n happy birthday danish!hehehe..
~danish n abg safri~
home sweet home around 2 after sending kak lin kat wangsa today, xde g mne2 pun..just rehat2 n tgk notes2 untuk kelas~~but i feel like something is not right..tapi xtau ape dier..huhu...
p/s:amy jum...
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