Monday, February 21
biler mac ....
februari bakal meninggalkan kita, n mac akan menjengah xlame lagi....hmm..personally, mac is not a good month to remember...haha, opss...sorry 2 those who born in march...its weird kan, we said 2 ourself that we moved on, we dun wanna to remember the past, yada yada...but,its still make us think bout it sumtimes..we cant juz ctrl+del it from our memory kan...still akan ader punyer in our memory box..mcm our lappy memory la..eventho we already permenantly delete it, yet, without kiter realize, our data is still there..its juz hidden inside..sebanyak mane me saying that i hate him, i cant deny, the fact that he used to be part of me,motivate me kan...its juz the lying part yg buat sakit hati...haha, i am complicated kan...n coz of him and yg sejantina n seangkatan dengannyer, its better to be single...past experiance sangat menganggu emosi..n too much lie till xtau nk percaya yang benar n yang mane palsu..i juz wish for a honest guy,who can take care of it hard 2 find one nowadays???hmm...end of february dulu2, during the duo time..hahaha, i used to wish that he wud be there...jiwang karat kan..hahaha..but, no more wish for that this year....xharapkan hadiah pun, juz a wish pun dah ok ...see, bertuah sape dpt me,xminx pun all the things..but, u never appreciate this year, can i wish for sumone??hahaha..sangat la plastik ketawaku ini...this year, i wish that my hair akan jadi seperti giring~~hahaha..awin..aku nak jugak buat :D and i also wish, ader berita gembira by end of month...=(~~huhu
Tuesday, February 15
biler oh biler~~~
hmm...Salam maulidur rasul..Selawat dan salam atas junjungan kita, Nabi Muhammad S.A.W..continue with my story, last thursday, went 2 take the test..gabra giler nih, yer la, me and test are not too frenly, senang citer, xske la amik test :D~~hahaha, n speaking of my experience doing logical thinking exam mase last 3 years, it was so damn hard...beria nih, siap nk g amik test..pdhal, tempatnyer dekat jekk pun, kat Glenmarie, but xkesah la..pegi awal lg bagus kan :)..i arrive an hour early kat tmpt amik test...tgk semua org lg hebat..huhu..makin cuak...later on, mase nk amik exam, they gv choice nk amik in malay or english paper..try 2 take in malay paper..yer la, dh biase jwb exam semua in, kengkonon, nk test power in malay la..*poyo jekk*duration taking the exam, 12 min for 50 question...i wuz, oookay...sangant kena pantas menjawab...haha..then seeing the question, oh my, mix up, math and logic answer and also, synonym and antonym..which i memang fail...mmg spjg dok jawab soalan bahasa, dok was2 jekk..betul ke mksud perkataan nih..betul ke ape yg aku buat~~~but, past is past now, tnggu la,if qualified, going to next round, interview session...berserah jekk la..if ader rezeki, ader la*harap2 ader..hehehe, xsalahkan letakkan harapan sikit:D*..still waiting....hmmm..biler oh biler...
ok, then balik from the test, g la giant jap...beli brg2 for menu petang nanti...on the way back, some dude,without giving signal,hit my SLK~~=(....geram giler...ive given the signal, dari awal lagi..xkn la xnmpk...then nak argue, mane ader org bagi signal nk terus kat bulatan, belajar kete kat uganda ke xpyh bg signal kat bulatan????xpasal2 SLK aku yg kna..gen2 that dude, sekadar, calar kat bumper, n rosak rim tayar..gatal tekan minyak napenyer kat bulatan...koyak2~~~=(
kete still xmasuk workshop..tnggu org insuran nk tgk dulu, then bru masuk workshop..biler oh biler~~~huhu..oh ya, coz of that incident, my plan to go to langkawi, xjadi..huhuhu~~sedey2~~

My SLK~~~=(
oh ya, thn nih, rase mcm byk pencapaian kat blog nih..hahaha...byk dh update thn lepas xdak langsung~~hahaha..harap2 berkekalan la usaha ini :D..mood minggu nih, biler oh biler...byk benda yang xcapai lagi..huhuhu..harap2 ader berita gembira di bulan februari...
ok, then balik from the test, g la giant jap...beli brg2 for menu petang nanti...on the way back, some dude,without giving signal,hit my SLK~~=(....geram giler...ive given the signal, dari awal lagi..xkn la xnmpk...then nak argue, mane ader org bagi signal nk terus kat bulatan, belajar kete kat uganda ke xpyh bg signal kat bulatan????xpasal2 SLK aku yg kna..gen2 that dude, sekadar, calar kat bumper, n rosak rim tayar..gatal tekan minyak napenyer kat bulatan...koyak2~~~=(
kete still xmasuk workshop..tnggu org insuran nk tgk dulu, then bru masuk workshop..biler oh biler~~~huhu..oh ya, coz of that incident, my plan to go to langkawi, xjadi..huhuhu~~sedey2~~
My SLK~~~=(
oh ya, thn nih, rase mcm byk pencapaian kat blog nih..hahaha...byk dh update thn lepas xdak langsung~~hahaha..harap2 berkekalan la usaha ini :D..mood minggu nih, biler oh biler...byk benda yang xcapai lagi..huhuhu..harap2 ader berita gembira di bulan februari...
Tuesday, February 8
hmm...last weekend, nothing much to do..ive transform into a super duper pirate master~~haha, not sumthing that can be proud of~~hakhakhak...not a good thing to start a week..xdela marah geram dgn budak2 tuition...except for zubir:p..there's always except for zubir..haha..yg membuat me geram sgt, especially farah, the trying to help her, coz of her condition is not the same as muaz n, kalo dier sendri xnak amik inisiatif tolong diri sendiri, what shud i do???keje xsiap..if tegur, she start doing her faces, which really annoy me..boleh pulak kate, me give her keje banyak!!!WTH!!!!kalo adik aku, dah kena lempang laju2 dh...spoil brat betul dema dua org 2..tegur xboleh..bis 2, nk biar jee??depan mak bapak diorang, baik ya amat...

but great news, my application for the graduate program dh diterima..juz tngu untuk amik test this thursday..huhuhu...takut!!!!coz, as far as i know, me having prob kalo de test2 nih~~huhuhuhu..moga allah membantu hambanya....pray for be continue...

but great news, my application for the graduate program dh diterima..juz tngu untuk amik test this thursday..huhuhu...takut!!!!coz, as far as i know, me having prob kalo de test2 nih~~huhuhuhu..moga allah membantu hambanya....pray for be continue...
Friday, February 4
cny holiday~~~

my my~~cny hols xbalik kg~~everybody kat umah balik a ob-dient daughter, i follow~~hahaha...xde buat ape pun cuti nih, since sugadedi xmasuk elaun lagi and past few days nih, my nose manje sangat...huhuhu =(..positive thinking..sakit tandanya allah sayang =)
so i guess 4 days of holidays nih, xde watpe sangat pun..juz duduk umah,surfing net n download becoming a pirate master now..huhuhu..hoping cepat la dapat keje!!!!bored to death dh nih...crossing finger to get either one of the job that i wanted to try...n without consulting my sugadedi..huhuhu..tah not being 'si tanggang' tp, the one that my sugadedi ask me to do, i dun do me kan..nk jekk bengkeng pe sugadedi ckp..huhuhu..hoping february memberi meaning baru in my life..insya allah
Wednesday, February 2
wahh..dah masuk so lazy to update my blog~~hahaha~~~what shud i update yerr..oh ya, i went to cameron highlands last damn cold as sumtimes it rain up there...gerak early in the morning from shah alam, the planned wuz to departure around 4 am, but awin too tired:p, so, our journey start around 5am.We stop at tapah, for subuh prayer then straight to simpang pulai exit to cameron highland.

Reach up there around 9, just nice as the shop pun xbukak lagi kan..suasana di atas sangat sejuk~~ya laa, jap hujan, jap tidak...first thing, breakfast laa=)..sedap nasi lemak acik gerai no 3~~hehehe.pas perut dah kenyang,mase untuk berjalan2~~yeay!!tentatif beberape kali tukar la jugak, instead of sleep over there, kitaorang balik that evening.first pit stop, self-plucking strawberry~~so juicy..hahaha...

terase seperti berfarmville la pulak kan~~hahaha~~from there, we straight to sg palas, for boh tea plantation n sememangnyer, BOH, ada umphhh~~hehehhe..the journey sangat berliku2, yet, alhamdulillah, with my SLK, selamat sampai...the scenery, masya allah...sangat tenang melihat kehijauan alam...

from boh, we went to Kea Farm-shopping time =)~~~ob banyak borong, while me, paling sket~~hehehhe...then, lunch kat agro valley, near cactus valley..lotsa strawberry and salad =)~~yum yum~~~singgah sebentar at smokehouse to take picture and mosque in tanah rata for dzuhur prayer. Then its time to go back.We use tapah road instead of simpang pulai.mengujakan since it is my first time lalu that road.banyak orang asli menjual sepanjang jalan.bought myself honey =). We stop for a while at Lata Iskandar for photo session..hehehe

eventho the water, xde la sejuk mcm kat kedondong, tp, ok la kan :)
before balik, singgah bentar kat william, soru dolu before pulang ke teratak=). i really2 enjoy my wekkend..this weekend??wait and see as im spending my time alone, maybe??huhu
Reach up there around 9, just nice as the shop pun xbukak lagi kan..suasana di atas sangat sejuk~~ya laa, jap hujan, jap tidak...first thing, breakfast laa=)..sedap nasi lemak acik gerai no 3~~hehehe.pas perut dah kenyang,mase untuk berjalan2~~yeay!!tentatif beberape kali tukar la jugak, instead of sleep over there, kitaorang balik that evening.first pit stop, self-plucking strawberry~~so juicy..hahaha...
terase seperti berfarmville la pulak kan~~hahaha~~from there, we straight to sg palas, for boh tea plantation n sememangnyer, BOH, ada umphhh~~hehehhe..the journey sangat berliku2, yet, alhamdulillah, with my SLK, selamat sampai...the scenery, masya allah...sangat tenang melihat kehijauan alam...
from boh, we went to Kea Farm-shopping time =)~~~ob banyak borong, while me, paling sket~~hehehhe...then, lunch kat agro valley, near cactus valley..lotsa strawberry and salad =)~~yum yum~~~singgah sebentar at smokehouse to take picture and mosque in tanah rata for dzuhur prayer. Then its time to go back.We use tapah road instead of simpang pulai.mengujakan since it is my first time lalu that road.banyak orang asli menjual sepanjang jalan.bought myself honey =). We stop for a while at Lata Iskandar for photo session..hehehe
eventho the water, xde la sejuk mcm kat kedondong, tp, ok la kan :)
before balik, singgah bentar kat william, soru dolu before pulang ke teratak=). i really2 enjoy my wekkend..this weekend??wait and see as im spending my time alone, maybe??huhu
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