Wednesday, June 26


ehmm..ehmm..its june :D~~hehehe...looks like lotsa catch up need to last post was in do update but then, in the end, been deposit inside the draft..kuikuikui~~~nak wat lagu mana tgh2 type..rase mengantuks~~~what have happen past few month??hmm, let see...good friend marriage...good friend transferred to other state, good friend find her soulmate...good friend not staying together with me anymore, emotionally unstable...good food, good people left me...wahh, so many things happen...i try to make it short but sweet post as recap what have happen.
saie's wedding~~~ :)

wedding raiders yaawww~~hehehe

meor menahan lapor...hahaha

gerbera :D

pengantin baling~~yer ke :p

curlass cik 'ed kita :D

ure my no. 1~~hehehe

bobby kawen~~~terharu kan ko kitaorg datang..siap de konsert lagi~~hihihi

before berangkat to 2nd venue~~~

after 10 years~~ajay yg solo hari tue, haha, mak buyung, affa yg bz, we all yg suka menerjah kenduri kawan2 :)

gaya raja sehari~~terbaik bos ku naqi

ajay yang memberi nasihat selaku antara sahabat yang kawin awal~~hehehe

dh macam pengambaran dah~~

my mentees~~opss, now already ex :D

sebelum naik pangkat menjadi puan

niiiiiceee pose :)

bedebor cik senah :D

hahaha..dh macam majlis kitaorg je..sementara tngu peluang bergambar~~hahaha

5sec pic is a must 2 us :D

gmbr tingkap

hahaha~~poyo je..hihi

nice place 2 stay + the uncle sgt baikkk

my last potluck with them~~~daebakkk~~ader eskrem 20sen~~niiice one from k nad :)

wedding earni~~en din pun datang


our room holiday villa yaawww~~

before check out~~~

trip to pantai timur~~weekend escape


tq for the lobstaaarrrr~~~hihihi

my belated bday celebration

so basically that whats happen past few month~~sangat meriahkan...byk lagi yang happen but nanti blh sambung lagi~~~daaaa

assalamualaikum :)