y oh y..huhuu..february sangat menguji mentally, physically and emotionally. :(:(:(~~~~im stress out currently with my workload and SETARA audit..been trying 2 comfort myself by saying that relax, its all bout finishing the job, yet, i start 2 question, where's my sincerity in doing the job?huhuhu...adapting takes time, yes its true, yet, as time goes by, im still thinking, where's my passion in doing my task?im ok with my students, my colleague, my bos..she's the best, yet, till now, been teaching at 2 institutions, i dun see myself as an educator..but still im doing my best in teaching my student..hmm...susah rupanya untuk mencari keikhlasan dalam melakukan sesuatu pekerjaan..or is it keikhhlasan itu akan datang setelah adanya keredhaan?hmm..something to think about...
congratz to my roomate..shahidatul hajar@CT..dah tawen :)..sangat kebetulan yerr..im stress n need time out from shah alam n its ur wedding day the next day..mmg keje giler!!tq my scandal ikut i eventhough ko xtau ape2:)

12 hours driving~~~meme giler...neway, gara2 keluar daerah, make me thinking memori lame..bak kata my brother, duka berlara..:(...setiap pahit ada manisnya kan...dh asyik sour memory je, smpat la jumpe abg polis yg dh posting kat KT~~domok sudah abg polis yg asyik standby~~~hahaha..stay strong yerr der..cri jekk aweks2 ganu :)
another kisah sedih in feb :(..SLK dilanggar todak :(:(~~stupid giler kaf lam aif ya nga..xpasal2, jadi mangsa :(...dripada nk cri mkn, dh jadi kenyang biler SLK ku kena langgar:(..sangat teruk ok :(..dh la p langgaq polis, mabuk pulak 2...langgar kete aku lagi..adoyaiii~~~

enaff said~~:(