Friday, December 30

hah~~another post~~

stress~~stress~~urghhhh..please laaa~~~~there could be other way kot nk end up the story!!!!!aiyakkkk!!!stress!!!!

stress2 pun layan jugak citer nih~~hahaha~~~fara sengal~~~

Thursday, December 29

aiman buat lawak!

wah another post~~

aiman senget~~hahahhaha

explore it larr~~~

whats wrong with student nowadays????2day one of MSG's program, BCM being audit by MQA.Alhamdulillah, 1st day went well..hopefully 2moro will be, as for one of my TESL class, i was thinking bout doing a simple lab test as i want 2 check my student proficiency in using Word 2007. I have bout 116 dip TESL students. I dun worry too much bout the A group as i know they can survive with IT eventho part of the students last week neglect my order. yet, coz of their sincerity in apologizing their mistake which have make me smile back to them. TQ arab's n ur group. u guys are cheeky, yet, adorable :). Back 2 this other group, few of them did not show respect towards the lecturer. Ur faculty have provide, 40 computers for them to use, yet, they chose to sit with their friends, share the computer and did not follow what i teach in front. As a result, what happen in the class today.Don't expect me to teach u guys ALL about words. i have show and teach u guys bout the interface and tools in words, explore it by urself.That's y i give exercise every week. for you to explore the tools at each ribbons. yet, u guys think, alaa, its juz words. xde la susah mana pun kan...during lab test, just a basic tools i give you, simply xboleh follow.adoyaii~~~no wonder en hairy boleh nk tembak student multimedia yg xdtg final presentation~~~student skrg spoon feed sgt la...enaff said!

Monday, December 26

biler student bosan~~~

Meet amirul aiman, one of my cheeky mentee

no monday blues~~weehehehe :D monday blues since its holiday :D~~hehehehe~`me getting better, alhamdulillah..juz batuk and selsema xbaik lagi..n yesterday was my tok buat lawak pulak...i try 2 call abah but cudnt get thru. i totally forgot that both of them went 2 penang, ade kenduri belah family abah n belah mak which is 2day. so, i call umah.thot abah xdgr bunyi fon ke..later,tok yg angkat fon.after salam, i ask, mak ader x tok?she answered depa xdak.depa semua p penang..kenduri adik beradik belah mak hang esok (which is 2day laa).Then i said, xpa la tok.nanti try tpon abah balik laa. Then my tok ask me, farah ka?i was like?eh tok nih, dri td dok ckp, xkenai ka sapa tpon?..then my tok blh ckp, ingt sapa la td..awat suara garau sangat~~huwaaaaa...tok nih, saje jekk..tau la org ngah selsema n sakit tekak..xyah la nk kata sora cek garau~~~n yes, my voice still garau..n i hope by 2moro going 2 be ok since i got 3 lecture class 2moro~~enaff said

Sunday, December 25


Alhamdulillah..getting better... :)
just coughing and coughing and coughing...nothing much 2 post, juz layan this vids~~ala tomei tomei~~~:D

ader wan kesah????~~~hahahauhukuhukuhuk

D.O.N.K.E.E = Dengki~~~hahahahauhukuhukuhuk

Saturday, December 24

dikala ini...

terbabek la*bak kata anak kak lis*..3rd new post in one day~~dikala ini...
mengharapkan makanan jatuh dri langit...stock xbeli lagi..belen2 dh hbs mkn 2 hari lps...smlm dh selamat dh tdo smai ke siang..tghari mkn..muntahkan im too hungry~~~nk drive xde sape nk tlg drive kan..huhuhu..juz me with lappy on my bed..:(i want my mom :(

i wish for.....

2nd post~~wahh, rekod terbabek nih~~hahaha..dear santa, i wish 4...

huwaargghh:(..nk klebang's coconut shake~~~sape nk jd my santa bwk me g sane??huhuhuhu...kat shah alamnyer xsedap...:(


merry Xmas 2 all specially 2 my Taylor's friends, monash and msu :)..gonna be a long weekend and i guess ramai yg balik kg especially my mentees~~i jekk yg xbalik..huhuhu...sick..huhu..supposely ive reach kulim for kenduri arwah pak chak..yet, since the driver xboleh nk drive, all the follower pun xboleh balik la yerr...past few days have been a bz day for me as i got to replace my colleague program coz he got warded.e2 l hairi, dh cakap dh, balik rehat, degil..xpasal2 kena warded.nway, semoga cepat sembuh and the program berjalan lancar..eventho the first day agak chaos with the venue and the PA system yg xsetup2 lagi~~yesterday, eventho demam, still masuk office coz xdpt mc..huhuhu..kijam la doc panel msu:(..lgpun, my body temp mmg xstabil, kejap panas, kejap, pegi jugak la masuk office.ingat pas settle with the workshop nk balik, tgk2 mmg flat terus..sleeping whole day kat office...dh la ubat batuk yg doc kasi mmg drowsy..mmg good combination la~masuk meeting pun dh macam lalok semacam..lgi best, time sakit nih laa sir ron bwk buah rambutan...huhuhu..sedap jekk tgk diorang evening badan makin panas n lagi wat nk demam when dpt mesej mentee.mentee tulis sayang~~~i was like AQIFF!!..xsmpai 2 second after that, he text again, alamak miss, silap send..sorry2..haha..i reply, terus miss rase nak demam lagi nih...he reply malu la lepas nih nk jumpe miss...hahaha..aqiff2~~first time i saw him gelabah..aqiff, sejak being my mentee is the most calm student antara 3 bdk nakal..hahahha..lawak la budak2 nih...this is my second time kot dpt mesej sayang. The first student yg hantar was his clan amir..segan jugak la lps 2 nk jumpe mentor diorang..hahahhaha...last wednesday i was so frustrated with my student...don't they have respect 2 lecturer?i've asked them 2 wait for me as i have meeting with visiting prof from was suppose 2 be a short meeting tp, ter'lame' la plk kan...n they have many things 2 do kot eventho i did not give any task...yet they choose 2 go back..which part that they did not understand??bukannyer i kate i xmasuk..then, they juz simply sign their attendance kat attendance sheet kelas pagi...sedih giler..senakal2 i dulu, ckp lecturer, dengar..xmintak pun respect tinggi melangit...ape yg dimintak buat 2, buat la kan...enaff said~~~

Tuesday, December 20

congratz my mentees :)

2days is FISE's dean list award and im so proud of my mentees, faisul and syikin..congratz week kita g mkn k..miss blanje :).so happy seeing them naik pentas.yang lain, sem nih study rajin2 k :)..dis sem target dpt dean list lagi..n faisul +syikin, make sure kekalkan pointer :)
Faisul dapat cert from en adam
faisul yg hari ni smart xhengat :)
syikin yg dapat cert from en adam :)~~3.83 tue :)
it was suppose 2 be a formal event, yet, biler raden and aiman keluar, at 1st show, it was formal yet, they look awkward ~~kuikuikui..but overall, the performance ok :) too add the spice up, 6 student'pengelat2' where 3 drpdnyer is my student mengelat from the event.luckily wani took their picture in action :p

nakal ekk korunk 3 orang nih, xkire, 2moro night, blanje miss MI4~~hahaha..the one in red shirt is hafiz,behind him, aqiff and the moroon shirt is amir...mengusik org, no 1~~haish..MI4 yerr sok mlm..
anyway, sick weekend i guess this week..huhuu...coughing, sneezing,fever..huhuhu

huhuhuhu..sakit 2 maksudnyer Allah sayang farah..being positive will make everything that we do turn up to be good..all iz well.N juz ignore my post format..i can't edit any formatting as i did not appear on the interface and edit html also did not work..aiyakk~~~

p/s:amy, boss u cari~~hahaha*mode jeles sbb u still ngah cuti :P*

Sunday, December 18

jolly good mood +pre-sickness sign

eikk??cannot upload video already??ape nih...ish3~~anyway, esok dh start kej balik..xpuas weekend!!oh ya, me so jolly good mood~~xsabar tnggu 07012012..hehehe..yg lagi best awin dh wat ayat2 sedey dier saying that i didnt inform her bout my engagement~~HAHAHA...rase nak gelak2 guling2 jekk kat poh kong td :p~~juz becoz i said that im at poh kong with abg polis a.k.a sharum, terus pk aku skandal ngan sharum..ello, cik awin, bestfren aku xley lawan ko, ko kan BFF aku..hehehehe..lap u la awin:D~~~y im so excited on 7th jan?coz sharum is going 2 propose his gf~~weewee...insya allah, i will be there..hahha, si penyibuk nih, mesti nk join jugak :p..hopefully pe yg ko plan 2 menjadi, sharum..aku dh bygkan dh sgala swordman a.k.a member2 ko ngan ko skali nk propose...mmg terbaeekk~~~cerewet gak ko time beli cincin:p~~hahahha..wish my good fren n my sifu all the best on 07012012..ketua platun, tekadkan semangat..:)aku bwk org2 sokongan on that day~~^____^~~haa, awin..jgn dok sedey2..hahahahahaha...n aku pegi seri kembangan lepas hntr pkcik 2 balik..meh lerr dtg umah aku..umah aku de mcm2 dh..hahaha..aku bwk balik khazanah2 dri umah mak ndak :p
eventho ngah in good mood, sign of my sickness dh ada dh..aiyakk...seram sejuk la pas nih..huhuhu..n i need to jumpe tukang urut..kaki makin be continue

Saturday, December 17

white, it is!

*cough*cough*..its too dusty ere..hahahaha...6 month without posting anything..tq AMY,buat me post sumthing back here~~^____^~~.What happen 2 me past few month??hehehe..alhamdulillah, dengan rezeki yang Allah bagi..from Gombak, then back 2 Shah Alam..Alhamdulillah..kalo dah rezeki kan :)
This month, my 5th month with MSU.Alhamdulillah..masih teguh berdiri dan mampu menahan segala lambakan kerja~~wah, lambakan kerja..kerja..kerja.kerja...owhh...bikin pusing saja..lets forget about works~~~lets talk bout MSU's dinner serenity garden theme, which is elegant white~~fuhh,jenuh la jugak pk ape nk pakai ngan k lis dari jumaat cari baju yg sesuai..end up, wearing something like top n seluar kembang...xsmpat nk berpic at the entrance since me dh lambat n dato' dh smpai, so kelam kabut laa cri seat.the food, ok2 laa, ada yg ok, ader x, term of ambience, mmg terasa lake gardennyer..

but overall, satisfied la since the artist is spider n kak ZZ..hehehhe..Masa Spider, terkawal lagi, since me, nk kate peminat, biase2 jekk..layan la lagu2 dier.layan2 jugak,bz jugak la amik pix :D
Tam spider in action
but mase kak ziana kuar~~tb2 kak del,kak
lis, kak liah suppp...gone~~~rupe2nyer, peminat tegar kak ziana..hahaha..but its nice though, dapat tgk dier nyanyi...
peminat tegar nih(kak del and kak lis)~~hehehehhe
anyway, its a great to see gelombank putih at SACC.We'll see what happen for next dinner conduct by our faculty:)
lame dh xtulis, xtau nk cakap ape, nway, pas nih kena kerap update la blog nih..kuikuikui~~~sat2 nnt kita cerita benda2 pahit plk noo yg jadi past few month..before that, layan spider sepam :)
oookkk, i give up..1 nite trying 2 upload the vids~~~nanti next entry i upload the vids :D