*cough*cough*..its too dusty ere..hahahaha...6 month without posting anything..tq AMY,buat me post sumthing back here~~^____^~~.What happen 2 me past few month??hehehe..alhamdulillah, dengan rezeki yang Allah bagi..from Gombak, then back 2 Shah Alam..Alhamdulillah..kalo dah rezeki kan :)
This month, my 5th month with MSU.Alhamdulillah..masih teguh berdiri dan mampu menahan segala lambakan kerja~~wah, lambakan kerja..kerja..kerja.kerja...owhh...bikin pusing saja..lets forget about works~~~lets talk bout MSU's dinner serenity garden theme, which is elegant white~~fuhh,jenuh la jugak pk ape nk pakai ape...shopping ngan k lis dari jumaat cari baju yg sesuai..end up, wearing something like top n seluar kembang...xsmpat nk berpic at the entrance since me dh lambat n dato' dh smpai, so kelam kabut laa cri seat.the food, ok2 laa, ada yg ok, ader x,kureng..in term of ambience, mmg terasa lake gardennyer..

but overall, satisfied la since the artist is spider n kak ZZ..hehehhe..Masa Spider, terkawal lagi, since me, nk kate peminat, biase2 jekk..layan la lagu2 dier.layan2 jugak,bz jugak la amik pix :D

Tam spider in action
but mase kak ziana kuar~~tb2 kak del,kak
lis, kak liah suppp...gone~~~rupe2nyer, peminat tegar kak ziana..hahaha..but its nice though, dapat tgk dier nyanyi...

peminat tegar nih(kak del and kak lis)~~hehehehhe
anyway, its a great to see gelombank putih at SACC.We'll see what happen for next dinner conduct by our faculty:)
lame dh xtulis, xtau nk cakap ape, nway, pas nih kena kerap update la blog nih..kuikuikui~~~sat2 nnt kita cerita benda2 pahit plk noo yg jadi past few month..before that, layan spider sepam :)
oookkk, i give up..1 nite trying 2 upload the vids~~~nanti next entry i upload the vids :D