hahahaha~~~so FAKE!!!!gelak xikhlas sungguh
thot i wont be posting up sumthing again~~hahaha...life been so messed up..i might be seeing so happy n jolly, yet, my soul doesnt in peace!many things hv been mix up in my life..trying to unknot the string..but, still, cant manage it..sumtimes i feel so depress when it come to opposite gender...sound soooo desperate kan??..yet, when you reach at my age, you will feel so unsecure..n judgemental of the opposite gender making you feel so down..frankly speaking, im so tired of ppl who judge me based on appearance..who do u think you are?that make you the creature that have been create by the same creator like me, but thinking that you are sooooo PERFECT??know me as who am i..judge me on my attitude n behaviour..im not a miss world..for god sake, if im a miss world, i wont even be friend with you...what can i do if i am that naive??is it wrong that i think all people that i know is a good person??n ya, juz be friend!!naff said!